Training that moves you.
Our expert facilitators and consultants provide a range of professional development opportunities that can be highly customizable for schools, community-based organizations, and companies.
A sample of our training topics include:
- Trauma-Informed Care
- Race and Equity
- Self-Care
- Mindfulness
- Artistic Expression
- Youth-led Organizing
- Social-Emotional Literacy
- Conflict Transformation
- Cultural Humility
Fly By Light National Training
This dynamic and highly interactive 40-hour training is designed for educators, teachers, youth workers, community organizers, artists, and activists from around the country—trainees passionate about integrating and deepening their knowledge and skills in trauma-informed care, mindfulness, arts empowerment, restorative justice, conflict resolution, social-emotional literacy, and community organizing campaigns.
Harambee Summit
This day-long or multi-day high-energy summit revitalizes your staff and prepares them for a new school year. The Harambee Summit includes school-wide opening and closing ceremonies, featured keynote speakers, and breakout sessions that cover timely topics that will prepare your teachers for the year ahead. Take a look at last year’s summit held at Roosevelt High School to see how we can support your school.
Our Stories
The Harambee Summit!
The word “Harambee” is a Swahili word that means “to pull together, to come together, and to push together.” It reminds us that we’re stronger together than we are alone. In 2021, One Common Unity organized a Harambee Summit at Roosevelt Senior High School to serve as the climax of a professional development series hosted at the school.
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